Love’s metaphysics

Human metaphysics – Inside a body’s metaphysics
Inside inside a body

Matrix’s metaphysics

Hong Kong metaphysics

Plastic environment’s metaphysics

Solitude’s metaphysics

Home’s metaphysics

“R”ich & “p”oor’s metaphysics. Who’s behind? Keeping feet on ground.

IKEA’s metaphysics

Saudi metaphysics

Tunneling’s metaphysics

Jail’s metaphysics. A cage for 2 人.

Rock Mechanics’ metaphysics. Amenta & Barton friendship.

Geological smile’s metaphysics

Mesozoic’s metaphysics

L’Aquila earthquake’s metaphysics

S. Agatha’s metaphysics. February 3rd, Catania, Paris or Hong Kong.

Female God metaphysics, commonly called Mother.

Life lighthouse’s metaphysics inside a body

Immigrant’s metaphysics

Human being’s metaphysics. Through any jail. Sicily behind conditions, rocks and northern side, me, or southern side, her.

Impressionism’s metaphysics. Between Claude Monet and Pierre Auguste Renoir.

Space’s metaphysics. Behind the time. Inside a time.

Presence’s metaphysics. Inside a snowy image.

Memory’s metaphysics. Inside a sky.

René Magritte’s metaphysics

Metaphysics of Nature on catwalk

Death takes the spring sun. Life’s metaphysics.

South Tyrol’s metaphysics. Life through the wooden key.

Rocky kissing

Between’s metaphysics

Absence’s metaphysics

Transparent metaphysics

Out of place, a human pretty disorder. Red passion toilettes’ metaphysics.

Being together, being wood and tonalite, being the same substance, being in front a common horizon. Couple’s metaphysics.

Wooden park bench for three people in the unseen empty. Take a seat in the Tyrolean metaphysics.

Self service for air. Human being breathing’s metaphysics.

White wave tunnel. Sea’s metaphysics.

Frame, structure, texture, darkness, lightness. Inside a body. Instant’s metaphysics.

Surrealist and metaphysics bath tub

Giorgio De Chirico’s metaphysics

“Il distacco dal mondo fisico tramite l’accostamento della sua metafora è l’educazione metafisica all’universale.
La metafisica è inside a body“.
“The detachment from the physical world through the juxtaposition of its metaphor is the metaphysics education to the universal.
The metaphysics is inside a body“.
Giovanni Paolo Amenta