The Geophysics in the Civil Engineering

Geophysics concerns all that sector regarding the study of the seismic waves transmitted through the ground. Through the crossing of the wavelenghts has been possibile to study and analyze the internal of the Planet Earth, generally, deducting structure, texture, matter’s consistence and composition type, despite still much uncertainties could always arise. Geophysics, particularly, in the last half century, has been more used for Civil Engineering purposes. Through the analysis of

The Geotechnics in the Civil Engineering

Geotechnics concerns the study of the physical-mechanical characteristics of ground, both from the geomechanical point of view, as well as from the elastic response to vertical and transverse stresses. The study involves various application sectors, essential for the construction of the anthropic fabric and for its interaction with the ground, both for performance results than for the safety in general. Geotechnics deals with the following application sectors: Classify the ground

The Geology in the Civil Engineering

The importance of the geology and geological modeling should be the first step to face in the design activity and for the construction of any infrastructure. Getting the knowledge of the local geology contributes to the large view of facts that can solve many problems during the construction progress, saving time and money and, at the same time, increasing the safety standard of the entire process afforded. Any opera has

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