Walking countercurrent, upwards on sandy waves, a way to touch the sea.
Hong Kong’ sky
Bamboo Tower Empire
Hong Kong’s homes
Piles on sky like roots on dreams
Trapped bodies inside a gold body
Inside the Scottish hanger
Running towards cosmic nothing, between 45°, 90° and 180°, never crossed, just parallels and rail-highways.
Daily three skies: Ap, Lei and Chau.
Front horizons through and beyond any window
Concrete bodies for meaty bodies
Melancholy’s contrast
Between bodies a soul in the middle inside a body
Detached. In front or behind? Outside a body or inside a body?
Flying bridges
Outside a body’ sky & inside a body’ sky
Inside a body’ sky & outside a body’ sky
Upper faulted layers by the lower unconformity dreams on sky
Vibrations inside body waves, a window between wavelengths and frequencies.
Behind or in front J.P. Morgan?
Gold is by the couple
Sicilian puppets
Triskele’s view points. Flying Sicily.
A sudden gash between street and perspective
Hysan Place, a climb of people.
Climbing viceversa
Mirroring entire cities
Upgrading concrete space bodies for meaty space bodies
Hot Sun through cold and anonymous concrete bodies as hot heart through cold and anonymous meaty bodies
Flight’s horizon
Swords & mesh, rocks & people, KSA’ sky & sun.
Between the Saudi crescent and the prohibited corkscrew.
Jesus’ lines
L’Aquila’ sky
Over desert
South Tyrol’s motive. The bell tower’s pain.
Step by step to a sky’s gash
The other far side
A suspended life between two parts
Wooden other fresh side between great, vertical and horizontal, close and far perspectives. That’s a bridge.
The other fake tunneling open side
A passage to change position
Corridors of apples as perspective lines of life. Biancaneve will always have her apple.
Maybe there is perhaps along the way’s lines
Mother, I am here. It’s almost 3 o’clock and the sun shines.
South Tyrol’s motive. The German bell tower’s pain.
Upwards windows, fronts and spires towards the sky, a way to get shapes of the life angles and directions.
Alley motive
Daughters & sisters
Through the tunnel, through inside a body.
Alignment for nothing, rules for nothing, starting for ending.
Step by step an artificial ladder is a natural climbing
South Tyrol’s motive. The bell tower’s pain is shining.
Old windows in solitude
Different outside a body, same inside a body.
Curving the line, focusing step by step, meandering the life.
Through barriers and pillars
Wooden fence and gate for a metaphysics motive
Access to horizon denied. Just dream, please.
“La prospettiva è la capacità di vedere il fine oltre le linee, delle strade per l’esistenza.
L’orizzonte finale è la sintesi della lunghezza focale individuale ove risiede qualcosa che non è mai nelle linee stesse.
La prospettiva è inside a body“.
“Perspective is the ability to see the end beyond the lines, some roads to existence.
The final horizon is the synthesis of the individual focal length where something resides that is never in the lines themselves.
The perspective is inside a body“.
Giovanni Paolo Amenta