
Couples in the zoom way

Spontaneity of Sicily

Lines randomly get a 360° space like matter in the Universe. This is the end of a pine Christmas tree.

Life’s lines. Between a hand and a hydrographic network.

The logic of the Universe in man. Between the electric field and the magnetic field.

Tears below skin inside a body. Life bokeh outside a body. Being a being.

Loving or not loving, being or not being, this is not a problem; it is just a zoom.

Megastructures & microstructures, a far side and close side.

Behind the fence, another still one and then a life path.

Close up to a Mrs butterfly in sexy black and red clothes

Tonalite and chain, shadow and light, everything is clamped.

Her knees are watching my life. It is twenty years.

“Ingrandire non è aumentare la distanza tra i punti, ma trovare più spazio tra di loro e avvicinarli ancor di più.
Zoom è trovare il punto di vista alternativo e non usuale, volatile ed effimero, come l’emozione e la sua eruzione.
Zoom è inside a body“.

“Enlarging is not increasing the distance between the points, but finding more space between them and bringing them even closer.
Zoom is to find the alternative and unusual point of view, volatile and ephemeral, like emotion and its eruption.
Zoom is inside a body “.

Giovanni Paolo Amenta

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